Annual sales of over 100 million! Why are those drinks that were once "hard to s

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Annual sales of over 100 million! Why are those drinks that were once "hard to s


In the past two years, some subtle changes have emerged in the beverage industry.

In 2023, the total revenue of sugar-free beverages reached 24.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26%, with sugar-free tea experiencing an even more impressive growth of 110%.

At a time when various industries are eager to transform, fiercely competing in a rat race to capture a larger market share, the fact that sugar-free beverages not only do not decline but also show a continuous upward trend is truly eye-catching.

Most importantly, "sugar-free" products, which were once quite disliked by consumers, have made a remarkable comeback in recent years, becoming popular items that can be found everywhere in the market.

This has led many soft drink companies to sense business opportunities, with industry experts stating that within just half a year, 18 sugar-free beverages were launched on the market.


As "white sugar" is no longer a primary ingredient in the list of ingredients, the taste of beverages naturally becomes more diverse and peculiar.

The "Oriental Leaf Series Tea" is a sugar-free tea beverage launched by Nongfu Spring in 2011, with a total of six flavors.

The term "Oriental Leaf" actually represents "Chinese tea."

Nowadays, there are many sugar-free beverages on the market claiming "0 calories," but Oriental Leaf is definitely a pioneer and a standout among them, with the claim that no sugar content is added to the drinks at all.As a ready-to-drink beverage, the taste of Eastern Leaf cannot naturally compare with freshly brewed tea, considering storage and transportation, the beverage's formulation has undergone further adjustments.

Thus, the sweetness that comes with brewing hot tea is gone, and the bitterness that remains after the tea cools down is all that's left.

However, this taste naturally does not conform to the market rules of beverages at that time.

This led to Eastern Leaf being "defenseless" when it first entered the market, being outcompeted by other beverages.

On the "worst-tasting beverages" list, even to this day, Eastern Leaf is without exception, listed year after year.

Some netizens joked: "It's rare to see such a variety of flavors, yet each one is uniquely unpalatable."

Because it did not meet the general public's taste preferences, the Eastern Leaf series of tea beverages operated at a loss for the first seven years.

Curiously, despite poor sales, Nongfu Spring never stopped producing and selling it.

And the answer appeared after 2019.

As more and more food products on the market were found to have quality issues, people placed greater emphasis on "safety and health" when choosing food and beverages.At this time, "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories, 0 additives, 0 flavorings" Oriental Leaf tea is becoming increasingly popular in the market. In addition, given the emphasis on health, "sugar-free tea" is clearly more popular than "sugar-free soda."

Since 2021, the compound annual growth rate of Oriental Leaf over three years has exceeded 90%. Some experts predict that by 2026, the market share of this series of beverages should reach 20 billion, becoming the second product for Nongfu Spring Company to exceed 20 billion in sales.

Oriental Leaf, a beverage that has been the subject of countless complaints, has thus turned around its fortunes. A similar "miracle" has also occurred with "Sarsaparilla."

"Sarsaparilla" is a very popular beverage in Guangdong and Taiwan, originally a Mexican drink called "Sarsaparilla," which is also a direct phonetic translation of the name. However, although the starting points of the two regions are the same, due to various reasons, the destinations are quite different.

The Sarsaparilla in Taiwan originated in the 1940s. Zhang Wenqi, the corporate head of Black Pine Corporation, discovered a dark bubbly beverage made from "Mexican Smilax" in a pharmacy during a trip to Shanghai.According to the pharmacy assistant, this beverage originates from the United States, where the "Ba Qia" within it can clear heat, promote diuresis, and detoxify, making it a popular drink in America for a time.

After conducting an in-depth investigation, Zhang Wenqi decided to promote this beverage in the Taiwan region. He invested a significant amount of energy and money to acquire the secret recipe, which was then improved by professionals in the company, with the addition of a "secret formula," and marketed under the name "Black Pine Sarsaparilla."

Corresponding to Black Pine Sarsaparilla is the "Asia Sarsaparilla" in the Guangdong region. Produced by Guangzhou Asia Soda Factory, Asia Sarsaparilla entered the Chinese market as early as the early 20th century. However, at that time, beverages like Asia Sarsaparilla were still considered luxury goods circulating only among the upper class, and it was not until the 1970s that it became available in the streets and alleys of Guangdong.

During the 1970s and 1980s, although the beverage market could be described as diverse, it was far from as competitive as it is today. Thus, once introduced, Asia Sarsaparilla was warmly welcomed by the health-conscious people of Guangdong. However, popularity is one aspect, and taste is another.Sarsaparilla is indeed a beverage, but whether it's the "Mexican ivy" in Black Pine Sarsaparilla or the "wintergreen" in Asian Sarsaparilla, they both fall within the category of traditional Chinese medicine.

Speaking of their flavors, they converge yet diverge slightly.

Most people who have tasted them candidly say: Black Pine Sarsaparilla has a scent reminiscent of red flower oil, while Asian Sarsaparilla smells like mentholatum.

In summary, for consumers who do not enjoy the taste, there are just two words to describe it—unpalatable.

The degree of its unpalatability is so extreme that the brand even has to include the phrase "not red flower oil" on their promotional posters.

But regardless of what others think, the sales of sarsaparilla have been steadily increasing year after year.

There's no need to elaborate on Black Pine Sarsaparilla, as it is a classic local soda brand in Taiwan, with over 70 years of development that has deeply rooted it in the hearts of several generations, not to mention that Black Pine Sarsaparilla is also adept at seizing the moment and has invited popular endorsers on multiple occasions.

Today, Black Pine Sarsaparilla's annual sales in Taiwan reach 1 billion Taiwan dollars, and since its introduction, it has sold over 6 billion bottles, making it the undisputed "King of Taiwan's Soda."

As one of the oldest soda categories in China, Asian Sarsaparilla naturally had its moment of glory.

As early as 1949, Asian Sarsaparilla's sales volume exceeded 5 million bottles, and by 2020, its annual sales volume directly broke through 200 million bottles.However, it is worth mentioning that in the 1990s, in an attempt to break through sales barriers, the Asian Soda Factory once collaborated with Pepsi, only to be shelved for nearly a decade, not regaining its production rights until 2002.

Although it survived a major setback, to some extent, Asian Sassi Soda still missed its golden period of development.

What is commendable is that, despite being in a difficult situation, the price of Asian Sassi has remained low from 50 cents in the 1970s to 1 dollar today, which is one of the important reasons why it has been able to firmly control the Guangdong market.

However, the Sassi can only grasp the "Cantonese" area with a highly unified taste.

The taste preferences of people in the north have long been captured by another peculiar "drink."

"Kvass" is a beverage with an extremely low alcohol content; some people are willing to drink it as a beverage, while others prefer to call it beer.

Unlike conventional grain-fermented alcohol, Kvass is fermented from a finished grain product—rye bread.

The existence of Kvass truly confirms the saying, "Love it and want it to live, hate it and want it to die."

Those who enjoy drinking it find the unique sweet aroma from the bread fermentation very enticing.

Those who do not like it feel that after taking a sip, their mouth is instantly filled with a mix of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty flavors.However, compared to other beverages that each have their unique qualities, most consumers find the taste of kvass to be tolerable.

At least, in terms of rankings, it is definitely at the lower end.

Because, unlike most sugar-free drinks that are confined to a niche market, kvass, although well-known in the Northeast region, has a sales range that radiates nationwide.

Taking the most well-known kvass brand on the market today—Qiulin—as an example.

As of October 2023, the annual sales volume of Qiulin kvass has reached 100,000 tons, with 250,000 stores and 392 distributors.

And kvass from Russia, with the deepening of Sino-Russian trade, has great potential for the future.

In fact, it's not just kvass; many beverages in our country show a "foreign > domestic" sales phenomenon.

For instance, the Lao Shan She Cao Shui that has topped the "unpleasant-tasting beverage ranking" for several consecutive years!

When it comes to the second and third places on the list of the most unpalatable drinks in China, there might be some debate, but the first spot is always reserved for "Lao Shan She Cao Shui."

"Anyway, how to put it, it's much more unpalatable than regular Chinese medicine.""Distill the liquid that drips down after you take down the original straw mat that has been sleeping in your home for a whole summer."

"The lingering aroma of the armpit of a burly man who hasn't taken a bath for a week in the hottest days of the year."

Regarding the taste of Laoshan Shecao Water, consumers' opinions have an unprecedented consensus.

Oriental Leaf is hard to drink, but it's just because of its light taste.

Sarsaparilla is hard to drink, but at least it has sugar in it.

Gas water is even harder to say, it's almost the least aggressive one.

Only Laoshan Shecao Water, its taste is almost a discontinuity on the "hard to drink" scale.

In fact, like Sarsaparilla, the raw material of Laoshan Shecao Water is also Chinese herbal medicine.

The reason why Shecao Water has this name is because its main ingredient is "White Flower Snake Tongue Grass."

It is said that there is a kind of grass in the Guangdong area, which is very popular with white flowers and snakes, always licking the dew on it, hence the name "White Flower Snake Tongue Grass."Baihua Shecao possesses the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, and enhancing the human immune system, making it a rare and fine traditional Chinese medicine.

However, its taste is quite indescribable.

Laoshan boasts unique natural scenery, and due to its excellent natural resources, it has once been a paradise for beverage production, with Laoshan Beer, Laoshan Cola, Laoshan Green Tea, and so on, all making a significant name for themselves in the market.

Laoshan Shecao Water is naturally not lagging behind. Although it is famous for being "unpalatable," its health benefits are indeed excellent, and it has managed to carve out a considerable niche in the flavored beverage market.

Nowadays, the sales volume of Laoshan Shecao Water can reach 5 billion yuan in half a year, not only being popular among middle-aged consumers in China but also being exported to more than 20 countries.

While Chinese people are still struggling with its indescribable taste, half of the people in Southeast Asia have already fallen in love with it.

However, although Laoshan Shecao Water is hard to drink, there are still some that can "outdo it."

When it comes to peculiar beverages, one must mention this country—Japan.

Most merchants, when they have the idea of producing a certain product, will definitely consider the impact of the market, consumers, sales volume, and consumer groups.

But the manufacturer of "Dumpling Soda" seems to have developed this product entirely based on sheer enthusiasm.How unpalatable is the dumpling soda?

To put it this way, this product was not manufactured for consumption.

Even the promotional posters from the merchants read phrases like "Japan's worst-tasting fruit soda" and "punishment game soda."

According to those who have tasted it, it is definitely a beverage that can outdo the notorious Lao Shan snake grass water.

Because from the moment the bottle is opened, it's a journey of torment for the drinker.

After unscrewing the cap, one is first greeted with a smell that mixes garlic, ginger, chili oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and a peculiar scent of fried dumplings.

Due to the overpowering aroma, the manufacturer of the dumpling soda even "thoughtfully" advises: it's best to open it in a spacious and well-ventilated area.

Once the nose endures this odor, the real torment begins.

Upon tasting, the pungent garlic and ginger flavors linger on the tongue, and a strange fried dumpling taste also bursts forth.

As the drink goes down the throat, it leaves all the irritating smells in its wake.In summary, it's just undrinkable, so undrinkable that it lives up to its name as a "weapon."

Ever since the dumpling soda was introduced in 2019, it has been a hit with prank shows and review bloggers.

However, no one can take a sip of dumpling soda with a smile.

But it is precisely because of its bizarre taste that dumpling soda has become quite popular in the market, as being able to make a drink "extremely undrinkable" is quite an achievement.

Every time there is a "bizarre drink" that goes viral, consumers always claim that the manufacturers are "retaliating against society" and "retaliating against consumers"!

Looking at those drinks that are hard to drink but have excellent sales, they all have their own selling points and are loved by middle-aged men.

Health, bizarre, unique taste, being extremely undrinkable to the extreme is also a skill.

The market will inevitably supply what is in demand, and the sugar-free beverage market will definitely become the main battleground for various companies in the future. We just need to wait quietly.

As for how undrinkable these drinks are, you have to try them yourself to know. Which is the most undrinkable drink you have ever had?
